Critique Welcomed You Lookin' At Me Still?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Went back to my first week of sooting with the X-Pro1, and re-processed this street portrait using the latest ACR for CS6, and NIKs various filters for sharpening and B&W.

I feel things have moved on in a year and a half, for the software tools, and for my personal PP journey


X-Pro1 and 35mm Lens @ f/2.8

Taken in San Juan Capistrano - CA
Ah I see, I missed the first. First thoughts you had been to a cowboy convention . Often a good idea returning with learnt skills, it can at times also be the case where you wonder how you got such a good rendition first time round
and did not save a pre-set which is annoying.
For that clean look this portrait is superb.
Thanks everyone - here we go 20 months apart


Ah, maybe the first one ain't that bad! :D
Mmmm - me too

I thought I was doing so well with my PP as well - oh cr@p! :D
In general, I prefer the earlier one as well. Great portrait, two comments ...
  1. I actually would prefer it untoned, but that's just my personal preference. I find toning shots with people problematic.
  2. Not sure how you processed the original, but I'm guessing there was some global contrast/sharpening applied and it is not particularly attractive in the OOF background. The new one is better there because I suspect you did not use the filter/technique that makes the face & beard so interesting in the original.
  3. OK - 3 comments. I would also consider trying to slightly burn down the bright blob stage left of the guy's face. It seems to be a little lower tonality in the original but might could go a hair lower.
Really an eye opener. Both are great but I like the grittiness of the first which suits the subject for me.
Put them away with a reminder and do a version in 12 months time, or after they are forgotten. Could Be interesting.
From memory the original was processed using Topaz filters - as that's all I had at that time

It has rather busied-up the background, which annoys me now - so I was careful in version 2 to avoid enhancing the contrast in the bokeh.

But I do rather like the gritty feel in the face because it goes with the character

A work in progress then I guess - the original merited a prize at the local photo show in San Diego, so it's more than paid for itself already :)
From memory the original was processed using Topaz filters - as that's all I had at that time

It has rather busied-up the background, which annoys me now - so I was careful in version 2 to avoid enhancing the contrast in the bokeh.

But I do rather like the gritty feel in the face because it goes with the character

A work in progress then I guess - the original merited a prize at the local photo show in San Diego, so it's more than paid for itself already :)
Con grats Chris nice one.
Cracking capture. toning etc. down to personal preference, but the photograph is a real corker. I doff my hat to you m'sieu!
Ta muchly gents :)