10 Things Garry Winogrand Can Teach You About Street Photography: Eric Kim

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Erik Kim has done a detailed and lengthy write up on legendary street photographer Garry Winogrand.


10 Things Garry Winogrand Can Teach You About Street Photography

The article takes the form of a 10 step review of his techniques and practices, with excellent references and some really stunning images.

This write-up is a gold mine for anyone shooting street - a huge mine of information

There are numerous links to supporting articles on the photographer, including an excellent youtube videos showing him at work on the street.


The article ends with a portfolio of images, which are truly inspiring




He looks almost OCD in the way he handles the camera - look at around 5:00 on the video - twitchy!

Then look at around 3:50 on the video, and watch him change film without even looking - just a completely reflex set of actions - seamless