What Kind of Street Photographer Are You? (Part 1)

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Eric Kim has posted an excellent addition to his street photograph blog, an invitation for each of us to look inward as well as outwards, and decide what sort of street photographer we'd be.


What Kind of Street Photographer Are You? (Part 1)

I just read a book titled: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, which was a book about introversion and the conflict they often encounter with extroverts in society. Reading the book as an extrovert, it gave me great insight on how introverts think, behave, and interact with the rest of the world from a psychological perspective.

Being an extrovert myself, I often have a difficult time how introverts think, behave, and see the world. My girlfriend Cindy is an introvert, and I initially read the book to understand her better. In the end of reading the book, it gave me great insights about street photography as well, through better understanding different personality types. After chatting with my buddy Brian Sparks about the idea, he thought it would be a great idea to share this idea (he is an introverted street photographer). So special thanks for him for giving me the inspiration to write this.

Interesting stuff - and a useful exercise to help you understand your approach to the world, and photography.

There's even a test you can do to rate your personality!

Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology

Go on, try it - I dare you! :D
INTJ for me to - so more middle of the road
100% introverted for me too:eek:..... Probably why I prefer animals to people;).
INTJ 39% Introvert. I think it would have been more if it wasn't for my job that makes me go out and give presentations to large groups of people and build relationships with customers etc. If I worked in a job that didn't involve interacting with people I probably would have been a shoe gazer by now.
I wonder what Hamish will score??? ;)