35mmc website update news

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Hi all,
I thought I would start a thread here just to keep people in the loop about the big 35mmc update.
It has begun, so the current status is that the website is in maintenance mode and cannot be accessed.
It is expected to take all of today, but might also creep into tomorrow. If it does, the site will also be down over night.
If this is going to happen, I will post an update here
Wish me luck!
In case it wasn’t obvious, 35mmc is going to be down for the night and some of the day tomorrow. The website is still totally intact and fine, but the devs have taken backups of various databases and so as to avoid any potential loss of content changes or comments etc, we have decided to keep it in maintenance mode.
Just wanted to leave a comment on the new website article on 35mmc but when submitting the comment I am being told that I am submitting comments too fast.
It was just one wee little comment… :-)
My comment would be:

Congratulations on the successful migration, Hamish!

I would appreciate if the article overview pages showed the name of the author of each article and the current number of comments.


Thank you, Hamish.

The issue I wanted to report:
I would appreciate if the article overview pages showed the name of the author of each article and the current number of comments.

Do others feel the same way?
