a bit of a mistake

Beth Carter

Well-Known Member
i ordered the 18-55mm fujinon lens that was recently released. unfortunately, there must have been some sort of mix up with my order... a shiny new x-e1 also made it's way into the box. [doh] no idea how that happened.

x-e1 and 18-55mm @ 55mm
And what's worse, it's producing such rubbish shots too! ;)

and the lens is stuck on the camera, won't come off. oh, i'd hate to send back a broken product to the company, esp. when they made such a horrible mistake to begin with. i'll probably keep it in my camera bag as a sort of paper weight, that way it doesn't blow away when i take the x-pro 1 out.
I think this is gross error of judgement on the retailers side and the order processor/sorter/packer/despatcher should be sent immediately to my supplier for urgent retraining.

I will start off with a small order or two then progress to more complex orders......... then when I am convinced they have achieved a satisfactory level incompetence you can have them back..:D

Enjoy the new lens, it looks like it works well and should compliment your other X......:)
lol kev, i'm sure you would supply them with all types of scenarios. then double and triple check to make sure the lessons were learned.

rob, the toys come at a price, i've spent the last umm... 11 nights at work, mostly full shifts, a couple of partials and several were last minute. 11 nights, i think.. ran out of fingers to keep track. when i went to order the lens i figured out my ot pay and realized christmas was a little early this year.

ahmad, i'll get right on that, may even have the original retailer take care of that, so don't be surprised if there's a mistake or two... ;)
haha nice one Beth I say life may not be forever and do what you can now within reason. Hope you enjoy the new toy and it must be great to have two similar cameras with different lenses to use at the same time. Enjoy.
Ooooo lovely stuff Beth :)

Nice bokeh on the zoom lens then - how are you liking it compared to the primes?

Love the color palette of the shot - very seasonal
isn't overtime and shiftwork great? and what a fabulous way to spend it
thanks everyone. and, hopefully, i'll spend the rest of the ot $$ on a few days out of town in early january so i may get some time to actually use both cameras.

i haven't had much chance to play with the camera or the lens yet, but i have noticed a few differences. the x-e1 isn't as comfortable to hold because the body isn't as thick. still very much useable though. the lock button on the shutter dial was done away with in favor for a tighter dial, that doesn't bother me one way or the other. the evf is better on the x-e1.

the lens is nice. it's not a great macro lens. haven't done anything scientific, but seems like it had a greater minimum focusing distance than the 35mm or 60mm on macro mode. the lens hood is plastic, no big deal, but the others were metal. on the plus side, you can take the lens cap on and off while the hood is in place. i'm not ready to make any judgements on the image quality of lens, taking a couple of shots at 8 am when i've been up all night on a brand new camera just doesn't seem like a sufficient amount of use to make any decisions.