COTiP (today - Not in chronological order):

Beaucoup rain today. Due to the grade of the lot, (the backyard is much higher than the house), the water drains towards the house. We have this rain barrel w/ hose set up to capture the gutter water and transport the water to a side yard and ultimately down the driveway and out to the street.

The basil leaves culled from recent backyard pruning, which were not use in the pesto, have been dried for future cooking projects.
Back to COTiP in chronological order:

Saw this structure on a job walk at a school ... What-The-Hell?
More Food Stuff ... (apparently I shoot everything I eat ... probably some sort of psychological disorder (one of many

... wonder if such a disorder has a name ...)

Sous Vide in Action - In summer I place the Souse Vide in the back to take the heat outside.

24 hours later - Ready to Serve
