Thanks a lot, Pete. I never thought about the graphic possibilities of the image but I can now see why you say that. I had another version of this image in which the moon was a little more in focus but the corbie was looking away. Damned thing wouldn't cooperate with me,...can you believe that?The original is a damn fine shot on its own, but I also like what you did to it and I can see why you'd want to. The flattened uniformity of the sky and the full moon add to the image and help it move towards a graphic image. One could almost imagine how it could easily become either a painting or a further stylised even with a silhouetted bird on the pole and a simple white circle representing the moon and still be a compelling image.
Very kind of you, Rob. Thank you.I have to say I far prefer the original. But I can see what you were getting at. I like the fact you are still searching and seeking, but I personally feel you have always had your own voice in photography, Brian, without recourse to PS.