A first for our Garden.

Glen Roberts

Well-Known Member
During the cold weather we've been getting loads of birds in the garden taking advantage of all the food.
Today was the first time we've ever had any of these in the garden though!:D:D.

Male Brambling.

Female Brambling.

Shame about the twig in front of it:mad:.
now thats an unusuall looking bird.....we dont get them here either.........!!

That last shot could have been an outstanding image......... i can imagine that twig annoyed you somewhat.

Defo great images though
That last shot could have been an outstanding image......... i can imagine that twig annoyed you somewhat.
That twig annoyed me quite a bit, every time it move I took a shot hoping to get it without the twig but this was the best I got:mad:.

Hopefully it'll come back and I can get a better shot;).