Brian Moore
At the Getty Center in Los Angeles. Shot last night, Nov 23, 2021, with the ex-MacKillop Sigma DP1 Merrill.
I've been getting interested in color lately. For this particular image I applied a pre-set that gave me the rich color on the building and the not-quite-right blue sky. Also applied a bit of manipulation to the image to get the verticals correct so this is an image with far more manipulation than I have done before. (I've straightened verticals many-a-time and horizons too, but color manipulation is new to me.)

I've been getting interested in color lately. For this particular image I applied a pre-set that gave me the rich color on the building and the not-quite-right blue sky. Also applied a bit of manipulation to the image to get the verticals correct so this is an image with far more manipulation than I have done before. (I've straightened verticals many-a-time and horizons too, but color manipulation is new to me.)