Pete Askew
in a shop window in Hong Kong. Aldous and Sally in the reflection.
Sony RX100. PP in LR/Nik ColorFX 4.
Sony RX100. PP in LR/Nik ColorFX 4.
"mown?"Can we come up with a better collective mown than "herd"? Answers on a post card...
Pete, ship me those Nikon and Canon lenses so we can earn the price difference and we could split 50/50 LOLNo idea but they command pretty high prices, especially Nikon gear it seems.
Rob, I have no idea why the shop got lots of old film cameras. There are some people still using film cameras instead of digital in Hong Kong nowadays but most of them are using digital. Firstly, many civilians is having housing issue now because the prices has been raising very crazy lately that we can't afford to own / rent a small apartment, in this case we cannot afford to own a dark room to develop films. Secondary there are only few shops with develop films service left with very limit income to maintain their business, so I could say in some way film cameras has already faded out in Hong KongJapan and Hong Kong seem to have become the world centres for old film cameras. Any idea why?