A scary realisation ...

Did someone say glasses?
Surely I didn't wear glasses??

Even 20 years ago I had style!!!!! Get in!


You stole them from Mark Curry :p
back in the day, there was a company named 'Visual Aids' of Bromley......probably no longer trading, along with BPM of Portslade. but they used to supply custom dioptre lenses. do you have a clue how much correction you need?

laser eye surgery could also be an answer. I've been offered this but always worried that there might be a quake while they were actually lasering me 'oops! sorry, that's your eye that is'
I just phone my optician ... he's on holiday ... I'm going to ask him how far my sight is out and see if i can but one, else the plan is to get him to make me a lens
A friend of mine got his optician to make him a prescription eye piece for his Nikon D300 and he said it made a big difference to his shots.
Got me some glasses yesterday ... its just astigmatism in my right eye ... of course this seems to mean they cant make it perfect, but I can focus with my mf lenses again now!
I've come late to this thread, but if it's any comfort to anyone, my eyesight is appalling (and I only wear glasses for driving). I had a bad squint as a child, had surgery, wore the patch over one eye and it did nothing. The result is that I am stereoblind - my brain ignores anything from my left eye and my right eye can only focus at less than two or three feet. I have incredible close up vision, even now at my age, but mostly the world is a confusing blur. It's never affected my photography and I think there is a positive side. Maybe I get contrast better because I'm not bothered with detail and maybe there is something in aesthetics that speaks to me too. I've thought about glasses or laser surgery, but I wouldn't risk what I already have :)
I went from right to left a while ago, at first it seems a little weird but you soon get in the habit
it just seems natural.... i kinda of take up a boxer stance, left foot forward, camera in right, supported by left and into my shoulder ... all that leads to left eye focus and totally solid for long hand held exposures