A Selfie A Week

Week 7 - I am the passenger...

Ta :)

This was a tricky one. Very dark in there so this needed a 5 shot bracket and HDR. Keeping still for that long (about 30seconds) isn't something that comes naturally to me :)
I think it is very funny, a great sense of humour. Makes me laugh wholeheartedly while admiring the creativity of yours. You have a few weeks to go, all the luck to you mate. Impressive.
It reminds me of a photograph of Rosa Parks on that bus in South Africa. Or was it President Obama sitting in the same seat only recently? :)
My first thought was similar, Lesley, except that it reminded me of a photo I shot of my friend and co-worker Rodney seated in the very seat that Rosa Parks sat in on that bus. (The actual bus is in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.) Rodney is an African-American gentleman and so the moment was quite poignant for him.

I like this selfie a lot, Dave.
Nit sure about the cherub in the middle looks a bit too old to be one really,,,

Great stuff again Dave
A couple of cherubs keeping an eye on the gargoyle;).
This I believe is hard to interpret or just shouldn't maybe albeit funny in my sense. But being a Norseman and as such probably would believe you've made a tombstone here and that is way early. Very good picture again and how you have made it blending with the stone.