Abstract Challenge

Brian Moore


Just for fun I thought I'd post a photo of an abstract and see if anybody was willing to take a guess at what kind of object it is.

By the way, I shot this with my Olympus XA. The film was Fuji Neopan 400 ASA. I developed it in Rodinal. I didn't modify the image in any way. No cropping, and no tweaks or adjustments of any kind.

Tomorrow or the next day I'll post a reveal.
I'm metal thinking roof rather than siding ...difficult to get an idea of scale though :)
You were all very close. It's "The Pyramid" at California State University in Long Beach, California. It's an auditorium. I believe the school basketball team plays there. Not sure what else happens inside it. Probably concerts and such. Thank you all for playing!



Wow - that's a huge structure!