ACR 7.1 and Lightroom 4.1 - with x-pro1 support

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
Just a quick bit of news ...ACR 7.1 and lightroom 4.1 are now available for download. They offers raw support for the x-pro1 and d800 amongst others. More info in the following links


LR Lightroom 4.1 Now Available « Lightroom Journal
CS6 ACR 7.1 and DNG Converter 7.1 Now Available for LR4 and PSCS6 « Julieanne Kost's Blog
Just installed CS6 and the updated ACR - all working, and X-Pro1 RAW conversion is supported

Just did a quick test image from the RAW file (below)


So it works - but I need to do lots of testing to make any comments beyond that at this point.
Further tests are looking good - I have to get used to the new ACR sliders (slight update there from Adobe) and also the fact that I'm now deciding on color saturation, sharpening etc, not the camera.

So lots of new stuff to factor-in and build into a workflow

I grabbed a test frame from yesterday at Disney - the level of control in ACR over exposure and WB are excellent - great to have these back after working with just JPEG for a few months

Oh, yeah! And now I have the IR filter which presented an almost zero learning curve, and is even sort of hand-holdable. 1/50th, f/2.0 ISO1600-3200. Shooting RAW+JPEG with monochrome film simulation, the EVF and LCD actually show an accurate preview.

I also learned something new. Prior to getting the filter, and expecting long exposures, I was playing with Time and Bulb settings. On Bulb, it actually shows a timer on the LCD—no need for a stomp watch! With Time, use the selector to tap in whatever time you want. I just checked the X100 and it also has the time counter.

And now, I can order CS6 with the new ACR that supports it. Doesn't get much better than this!
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