Advice needed! - black lines on negatives

Phil Groves

New Member
Looking for suggestions here on the attached negative.

It only occurs on the first 2 or 3 frames and is not camera related as happens with 3 or 4 different models (all 35mm)

I wondered if it might be poor developer circulation but have tried both agitation and inversion with identical results.
Developed in a fairly new Patterson System 4 in stock Xtol.

I plan to use my AP tank for the next roll - I use that one just for 120 and haven't seen this issue there.

I am baffled as to what is happening here - any theories welcome!


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Hi Phil. Is the leader wound back into the cannister after each roll? The 'streaks look like light ingress somewhere and appear to be spaced about one turn of the wound spiral of film in the cannister. I was wondering it might possibly have something to do with light getting in through the brush seal once the film has been removed from the camera. Just a very vague thought as nothing else readily comes to mind. I use an old Patterson System 4 that was given to me many years ago for my 35mm without any issues
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Does it only happen with Ilford HP5+? Have you had this just start happening? Perhaps all with film purchased in one batch?

It doesn't look like a development issue - the black lines appear to be too close together for them to be the result of touching the next layer of film in the reel. They appear to be 1 frame apart.
I think Ralph is on the money - you show some of the first frames from the film, the earliest showing the strongest fogging. If you wind the film completely back into the cassette on rewind there is always the danger of light leakage through the cassette lips. Either leave a full width of the film in the lips or keep the rewound film away from any strong light if your camera is auto-rewinding like my F801.
Hi All and many thanks for the quick replies.

To answer, unhelpful as it will be!
None of the films (5 in total - the problem has only started recently) were fully rewound, all had full width leaders showing.
Nothing different was used in my workflow with over 100 rolls previously processed without problems (at least not this one :rolleyes:)

There were 3 different films used! all at box speed
2 x HP5+ in Nikon FE
2 x Kentmere 400 in Oly XA2
1 x FP4+ in Pentax ME Super

I can only think it must be the Paterson tank, though what the mechanism is I cannot imagine, as the faulty frames will bi innermost in the spiral.
Wow - what a stumper. I can't se how it could be your tank, though note your comment that the leaks would be close to the centre of the spiral. This suggests it could be a split in the core tube that forms the light trap with the lid or even the lid itself. These tanks are pretty sturdy though. The other thought is that if you bought these five films in a five pack it is actually a fault with the film itself, something gone amiss with the loading stage during manufacture. I would favour this if there is no obvious physical damage to the tank components
it is actually a fault with the film itself
That was why I asked if the film was new or old, purchased at the same time, etc... I suspect the film itself - not the camera or the tank.

What other camera do you have to shoot a roll and run it through the tank?
More info!

Ilford XP2 Super in Canon A-1 developed in exactly the same way except spiral changed from Paterson to the AP version - centre tube still Paterson. Negs all clear!! (first frame attached)

Is it possible that the leading edge of the film is restricting the developer from the first frame or 3? - it does seem unlikely especially as some of the problem negs were only 24exp. More research needed!

PS - The XP2 Super (set ISO200) was developed in Xtol 1:1 for 10mins as discussed somewhere I found on the web. Results were pretty good, contrast a bit high but the fine 'grain' of the film was retained. The sharpness may have been slightly worse than HP5/FP4 I usually use but not a deal stopper.


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