Always have a camera handy!!!

This advice has been with me for a long long time and it never goes out of date......
This morning I could hear some squaking noises in my back garden,and looked out the window to see 2 green parrots in the trees about 20 metres per the above advice,I whipped out the camera(yes, even in the bedroom) and took a quick shot through the glass....I very carefully opened the window for a better shot but the second pic shows the parrot fleeing the the way,I live in SW London.
Intrigued,I googled the parrots and found numerous details about feral parrots thriving in the UK...Check this out:The Parakeets of London

parrot (1) (Large).jpgparrot (2) (Large).jpg
Nice shots, George. Not easy to capture, given the speed of them and their natural camo. Well done. (There's an intersection in Long Beach with some high palm trees and a traffic light. Sometimes at that light there is a veritable cacophony of bird chirps. They don't sound like your common or garden Southern California birds. They sound exotic. Every time I'm stopped at that light I open the windae and listen and strain my eyes for a glimpse of the birds in the trees. I tell my car pool partner to do the same and he looks at me like I'm from Mars. Not yet seen one! I've been the recipient of the occasional clarion call from the motorist behind, though, as I fail to observe my opportunity to take advantage of a green light. I think the source of the exotic chirps may be feral parrots or parakeets. I must actually park and observe for a wee while one of these days.) Anyway, two good shots you've made there George.
Thanks Guys,
Now that I know they are there,I will be watching and listening for them....hard to see though as they blend in so well in the trees...
We have a small colony of Ring Necked Parakeets a few miles from us in Hartlepool.
In some parks in London, possibly Regents Park or Hide Park? they can get hundreds coming in to roost on an evening.