An Evening Without Politics

An odd title you might think, but there is a back-story that I'll let you make up for yourselves.

I've taken a few pictures recently but it is still difficult for me to see properly and so I haven't been working on them. This one I played with on the train on the way back to Berlin on Saturday. It was a pretty straight image so I thought I'd see how it went.


Leica M9 + Leica Summilux M 35mm f1:1.4. ISO 160 1/2000s f1:5.6. PP in LR4, SilverFX Pro 2 and PS.
Really, really nice image. The more I learn about photography the more I appreciate your work, Pete. Every part of this image looks perfect to me.
Thanks Rob. I would probably have worked a bit more on the texture in the crop and the clouds had it been easier to concentrate. It was actually the lighting of the line of trees that drew me in (and has before). Hopefully over the next week or so I will be able to process a few more.
I got it Pete.

'Politics' is the cyclists wife?

I like it when an image gives questions such as in this one, what's up the road behind them buildings?
I can also feel the steady breeze in the tress and grass.

Quite timeless. Thanks for sharing Pete.
I'm loving the way the trees look like they've been cloned in Photoshop - almost surreal
Remarkable work of art !
Pete, ya done good... ya done real good !
This is one I can sit and enjoy just looking at for
a long while.