Every good forest needs its fire

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Every good forest needs its fire.

In my music life, every five years or so I sell most of my equipment and purchase new stuff, and head off in new directions. It keeps me interested in music, and for someone who teaches music everyday, that's important.

I seem to do something similar with photography, buying and selling equipment periodically. Here's what I have now:

Bronica SQ-Ai with PS 180 2.8 lens - in excellent condition. Medium format. I've just sent off my first film to get processed, but screwed up the first two shots due to not understanding the Mirror-Lock-Up procedure. I've been advised that I don't really need to use it, even hand held.

Epson Perfection v550 - to scan the medium-format negs. Not exactly Hasselblad quality! But it is my entry into scanning. It will help cut costs in the long run. All I need to pay for now is film, and the processing of it. I'll do the scanning myself, and only print those images I want to frame.

Sigma SD Quattro with 30mm 1.4 Art lens - still to arrive from Ffordes (where some of my old equipment went in part-exchange). I've missed the Foveon sensor, especially for b&w work - only a Leica monochrom does it better, in my opinion. Other lenses will be acquired over time, but the 30mm 1.4 seems to be a cracker to start with - see @Brian Moore 's recent images.

Nikon FE with Nikkor 50mm 1.8 lens - a decent eBay acquisition from a couple of weeks back. A beautiful camera, possibly the most beautiful I've had in my hands. It is mainly an Aperture Priority camera, as opposed to my (now sold) Canon AE1P, which was mostly a shutter-speed priority camera. Happy with it, now I understand the two-needle system within the viewfinder.

Olympus Trip - Loaned my first Trip to my daughter, and never saw it again, hence this fairly recent acquisition. Just a fun camera to use. I'll be taking it with me when we see The Rolling Stones on Saturday in Edinburgh! Unfortunately, we have a back-row seat, so the band will be little dots in the distance, or giants on screens. But it's certainly going to be a memorable event. I got an email from the organisers saying all cameras with interchangeable lenses will be confiscated! No pro-level cameras allowed. Was David Bailey a pro??

Konica Hexar - which I've had a for a few years now, and have no intention of letting go.
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Thanks for the update on your arsenal of photographic equipment.

Your recent Bronica acquisition has me looking around at MF cameras again!o_O I have a couple of TLRs and several Holgas and a very decent old Voigtlander 6x9. But I have long coveted a medium format rangefinder or SLR.

I think you'll be happy with the Epson scanner. I have a V500 with which I have scanned thousands of images in the 5 or 6 years since I bought it. Very happy with it overall, though it is (rightly) maligned for its flimsy negative holders.

You've made some cracking images with the Konica Hexar ,Rob; looking forward to seeing the results you get from the Bronica, the FE and the Quattro. (Thanks for the mention, by the way!)

Would you be willing to let go of the Hexar?;)
Medium-format rangefinder: I've long coveted a mamiya 6 or 7, but they have quadrupled in price these last five years. Jings, Crivens, Help Ma Boab, as one great poet once said.
Medium-format rangefinder: I've long coveted a mamiya 6 or 7, but they have quadrupled in price these last five years. Jings, Crivens, Help Ma Boab, as one great poet once said.
Its incredible, really. What an return on investment if we had bought one two years ago!
What an interesting observation, Rob and it makes sense I think. I often acquire stuff out of interest and find it inspires me in one way or another. My problem though is that I never sell anything! Ina is convinced that she could make a fortune selling the stuff that I've forgotten about on eBay. To me!! :eek: