Madness!! Absolutle madness!!
To see that sign along with the interview comments by BJP and this Wendy Neville clearly demonstrates that there are only 2 paths you can lead this stupendous debate down....
The first is, that those individuals who manipulated this regulation together are either sooo dense, so incompetent, that they genuinely mean that the DSLR ban, really is due to 'time wasters' as stated, through their narrow eyes, tripods do take little more time to set up and I can believe that the list of people wanting to view the underground is well in its thousands. In that case why not ban tripods?? But not, they've displayed a sign that relates nothing to do with what the interview comments that had been published. They are either really that stupid.....
OR.. Secondly..... The TRUTH is not bieng told!! If they have concerns regarding terrorism (why in a disused underground I will never know) or fraud (potential profitable sales in 'new' pictures to the industry), then they should have the ****ing bollox to project that reputable standard that presents a 'no ********, this is how it is'!! campaign.
It's absolute self confirmed case of 'beating around the bush'...
They should tell the truth in what they want from people..... And make it CLEAR!!
IMO, if cameras are to be seperated according to its type, then ALL camera's should be banned!!
Silly potential example.......
'Due to the high performance engines and excessive BHP, V8 engines are strictly forbidden to exceed 50mph at all times'