Critique Welcomed Andee (resting After Terrorizing The Xmas Tree)

Keith Hollister

Well-Known Member
Andee taking a break from attempting to vandalize the Christmas tree with her brother, Wally. We sorta out-foxed her though - tied to the curtain rod with fishing line and I have 2 of my lead shot-filled light stand bags holding the stand down. No ornaments she can reach without climbing either. So far, the fortifications have withstood the assault.

I had the 14mm on the Fuji, so we have wide angle goofiness for your viewing pleasure ;) X-E2, 14mm, ISO 3200. The metering on the Fuji was also almost spot on on these backlit shots as well - woohoo! The first shot was so close I had to remove the lens hood to keep from poking her in the head with it - I'm surprised she sat still for it and didn't try to tackle the lens.

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Thanks, everyone
Thanks, Lesley. Cat & dog snot cleans off lenses just fine - no filter necessary ;)