Critique Welcomed Angled Shadow On A Porch

Brian Moore

Former military housing at Discovery Park in Seattle, Washington.

This picture holds appeal for me that I cannot fully define. I like the angles (porch shadow, roof line, etc.) but otherwise it is mundane I think. Yet somehow it appeals. (To me at least.)

  • Critiques welcome.

Infrared with Sigma Quattro SD, Sigma 30/1.4 and Hoya R72 filter.

I can see the appeal, Brian. The way that shadow bisects the front of the house is quite striking. That and the angle and shadows of the roof remind me of origami. It almost feels as if the house has been folded in some way. And the way that the IR reduces the background and so isolates the house adds to the whole illusion I think. The only thing I would alter would be to darken the RH foreground a touch and tweak the horizontal a tiny bit.

A fabulous image.
A leopard can't change its spots, Brian, and neither can the Chief of the Horizontal Police!

It is an unusual one, and not unattractive either. It's one of those where, the more you look at it, the more you see.
A leopard can't change its spots, Brian, and neither can the Chief of the Horizontal Police!

It is an unusual one, and not unattractive either. It's one of those where, the more you look at it, the more you see.
Until a certain someone piped up about the horizon I had actually forgotten about those dreadful, dreadful people, The Horizon Police.

PS American Gothic comes to mind...but that's best not examined too closely, it's just something of the feel of the intention of it.
Gothic Origami...?

Thanks Rob.
This is "American Gothic", Brian, by Grant Wood.
lol. I am familiar with that painting, Rob, but I didn't even think about it in relation to your comment. (I'm still too wrapped up in all this violence and stupidity in DC and for some reason, undoubtedly a result of recent events, your comment conjured images zombies breaking into buildings.:eek:) But you're right. I can see the comparison works well.

Thanks Rob.