Any one for Canon vs Nikon Chess?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent


A couple of gents at got bored during their move to new digs and decided to play some chess!

Canon won the game with a Fischer like performance.


know what you’re thinking. Can you rent this chess set? The answer is yes!

For $7654.75 you can rent this chess for a 4 days, this will include the damage insurance for when you knock your king over after a terrible loss.

What about buying it? Sure can! $151,202.17 you can buy the pieces necessary to do this at home. As mentions, buy now before the new Canon supertelephotos hit the market. The price will skyrocket. To entice you even more, they’ll throw in a free t-shirt!
I would've been shocked if you'd chosen white Hamish! LOL
You must be so confused LOL!
I actualy look for the White version of the 70-200 when I was looking to buy mine... Ended up getting mine at a really good price though so decided not to wait ...
White lenses are a bit showy though I think ... A bit "look at my ... ... ... Lens" you know what I mean ;)
Nay nay Mr Wilkes, you're missing the 'key scientifical benefits' of the white lens.

It reflects sunlight, keeping the lens cooler, negating physical distortion, and telling everyone that you purchased a superior camera system (in the case of Canon).

Non-Canon white lenses are the 'wrong shade of white', and the scientifical benefits are negated completely - you suffer from the 'me too' effect, also known as 'wannabe-itus'. ;)

I actually have a bottle of 'the right shade of white' paint that I bought from EBAY, as touch-up paint for my great whites.

Must be special, because it was expensive!
Hahahaha!!! That's pretty funny chris!! Is there a come back Hamish??? Lol
well said chris........ :-) great idea in the image many ££££ worth of lens there OMG
You hear the messages too?
No need for a comeback! Pete nailed it in one!
I suppose i could comment on the fact that because I have black lenses i have no need for a pot of white paint ...
Or mention the fact that what ever the colour of lens at least mine are attached to solid hardy feeling cameras that feel balanced right when i attach my lenses ... as opposed to having a plastic feeling bit of "I follow the crowd instead of making an informed decision" stuck on the end ...

Every time we start this silliness i feel the need to add a disclaimer ...
all of the above opinions are meant as ironic tongue in cheek comments and are in fact having a go at the sort of people who have canon vs nikon arguments... they are not meant in anyway to highlight how crap canon cameras actually are hahaha ;)
I think it's good that this forum can 'av a larf' about the religious divide, without people throwing their toys out of the pram.

Having said that, next time I'm in Worcestershire, I'll pop in and bop you on the head with a 1D body Hamish - then you can tell me how it doesn't feel solid... ;)
Here's my special lens paint - in case you thought I was kidding ;)
