Armageddon Burds!

The birds were going crazy, screeching at the top of their voices in a neighbouring tree. I was just getting the camera out of my pocket. Suddenly they went dead silent, then launched themselves into the air, and flew over to this tree. I just caught them in time. Then they started screeching again. What a racket. They scared me, but I'm easily scared.
By observation I have noticed that birds often kick up a ruckus when a bigger bird is perched in their neighborhood. I see it all the time here with hawks getting swooped and dive-bombed by smaller birds until they finally get tired of the torment. I suppose that's what was happening in this image. I like that tree. It is very menacing.
Wonderfully ominous stuff Rob.

Interesting event too. I wonder… No ignore me. Of course it can have nothing to do with that mask appearing in your house, the one you cannot see! Silly of me to think it even. No, no. just ignore me. Can't be anything. I mean, The Omen and The Birds were just films. How daft can you be. No, all is fine. Just fine. Really.