Arthur's Seat Again - on a dreich day

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Dreich is one of my favourite words...wet, windy, miserable...but we all enjoyed our walk. It's wonderful to have this amazing landscape right in the heart of the city.

My friends from Finland, Timo and his wife Soili, were visiting their daughter at Aberdeen University, and made a trip to Edinburgh.

Timo5 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Timo4 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Timo3 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Timo2 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr

Timo1 by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​

A wet Fuji X-E1, 18-55mm, with raindrops, and Auld Nik Silver
Cheers, Pete. It has been an enjoyable day. But now I'm sitting on the couch, reading B&W Photography magazine and drinking a camomile tea. Bliss. And occasional trips to my iPad.
Gorgeous views, Rob, and a grand day out. The finale is as valuable too. :)
A great set Rob, very good. The last three for me are sooo good.
Have a nice Tune with your new strings.

Might go and see Lau in the week for a tune or two.
Hey! That's something... Enjoy every moment of it. :)

I checked the Stauffer guitars and found this -
I did not know about it. How is the sound and action? Is it all electric?
Not that at all, Nihat, but this: J. G. Stauffer/Viennese 8 string | Roseberry Guitars

Stauffer lived in the Vienna of Schubert, Beethoven, Giuliani, Paganini, etc, and was the finest guitar maker of the day. He had one apprentice who would go on to become very famous - Martin - after he moved to America.

The cool thing about Stauffer's design is the moveable fingerboard. It floats above the soundboard, like a violin or cello, and with the aid of a key can be moved up or down - so you can change the action (the height of the strings above the frets) in seconds. Brilliant.
Rob, this is the guitar of my dreams probably. Change of action in seconds... Thanks for the link and educating me. I wonder a 6 string guitar's cost?! :rolleyes:
That's a great set. I can feel the weather! The last one really grabs me. So much atmosphere.

Today we're having hail and very strong winds. I love spring.
Yes, it was a great weather day, the clouds broken up instead of uniformly grey or blue, lots of wind, and a few raindrops on the lens, especially in that last shot. I like the shot on top of the hill, when the rain finally broke, sending everyone into a panic, frantically putting their rain gear on. Quite a comical moment. It was worth getting wet, holding back while everyone else got organised. Ah, yes, I suffer for my art [doh]