Article: Nikon D800 Anounced?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Nikon set to announce D800 on Wednesday?

Nikon rumors and Engadget are quoting a source in Brazil with advanced info on the new Nikon D800. 36.3 megapixels of resolution with full-frame sensor.

The new model succeeds the Nikon D700 and is a sort of younger sister into account the high-end Nikon D3X. 7360 x 4912 resolution and the ability to toggle ISO from 100 - 6,400.

Full 1080p30 HD video capture, recording content in either H.264 or MPEG-4 formats.

There's also a 3.2-inch LCD screen onboard.

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Nikon D800 slips out for an early bird preview, to be officially unveiled tomorrow? -- Engadget
It's about TIME! Only about two years later than anyone expected. I'll be anxious to see how Canon responds. The 5DIII has been turning the rumor mills for months now, as it is.
I can always predict when a new, desirable Nikon is going to be released. It is a couple of months after I buy a camera!! In this instance a D3x!! For the extra resolution!!! Oh well never mind it will give me what I need at the moment and I shall await the real results from the D800 (and D4x if such a thing emerges). At this time the D800E sounds more interesting for me (ie no anti-aliasing filter). Handling and ISO performance are irrelevant when the camera will be stuck on top of a microscope / Tessovar / copy stand. I'm also toying with using another MF back for these applications as the P65+ is much more affordable now that PhaseOne has released the IQ series.
Just received email confirmation from Grays of Westminster with specifications etc. They are now taking orders for the D800 and D800E

Price & Availability:

D800 body only: £2,399.99 inc. VAT**
Sales start date: 22nd March 2012

D800E body only: £2,689.99 inc. VAT
Sales start date: 12th April 2012

And the information from Nikon:
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Larry mentioned in another post that the D800 will be announced soon and the D4 is already out. I believe Nikon wanted to bring them out in time before the Olympics, that is what I read anyway.

I wondering if we will see a sudden rush of used D700s on ebay!
Mine went to a friend so I don't need to worry about potential impact on prices but I can imagine this could be a good opportunity for people to get into full-frame. If I'd known (I know I could have guessed but I need the resolution now not in April or whenever it was going to be), I might have delayed my purchase and bought a D800E instead of a D3x. I was speaking with a dealer this morning and I speculated about a D4x. His view was that something like that will appear but probably not until next year and the main focus is on getting D4s out in volume for the Olympics (high frame rates and Ethernet transfer etc).
It's certainly going to be an interesting few weeks as all the new kit get announced in time for the Olympics, and the general spring summer season.

Great to see the major manufacturers bouncing back strongly after the quake and tsunami .
thats a lot of pixels eh ...
even in dx mode its more pixels than the d3 ...
I know that doesnt mean an aweful lot without any photos to back it up, but if it does come even close to the high iso capability of the d3 with that level of res ... for £2300 ... well ... itll be quite good! ;)
Larry mentioned in another post that the D800 will be announced soon and the D4 is already out. I believe Nikon wanted to bring them out in time before the Olympics, that is what I read anyway.

I wondering if we will see a sudden rush of used D700s on ebay!

Not from me. Evaluating the two cameras against the D700 in my workflow, keeping shooting with the D700 comes out on top. Again this is not an objective appraisal of the three cameras in absolute terms, but only as they would relate to me.

I bought the first D700 camera delivered in Canada, according to the Nikon rep. It fit my dSLR needs from the first day and still does. Neither of the new cameras would provide a significant advantage over it. If I were still shooting sports as a large part of my workflow, the D4 is the ticket. Heavy enough to balance long super-telephotos on a monopod for mobility. Excellent low-light capability. It also has extensive movie capability including uncompressed video out via HDMI. None of the advantages over the D700 apply to the way I work, and size is a considerable negative factor. I have been looking for lightweight, discrete and moderately versatile additions to the D700—not heavy-industrial machinery.

The big D800 news is its 36MP resolution. More than I need, since most of my output goes directly to the web. Not enough, since I shoot panoramics way beyond 36MP, and huge images are about as easy to capture and stitch with the D700 as the D800. While panoramic images have been part of my work since way back in film days—I have a WideLuxe 140 that got me loads of magazine assignments—as a percentage they don't rank high enough to warrant a change.

At this point neither does video matter. My X100 does nice 720p and the X-Pro1 adds full HD, if I choose to use it. Mostly I don't. My video work is deeply rooted in animation, and I really don't every contemplate shooting and editing live action. It is simply too foreign to my style. Even with video involving live subjects, animation/multimedia techniques are used.

LarryBolch's Channel - YouTube

While these are both excellent and interesting cameras, there really is no place in my kit for either. With the D700, X100, XP1 in a couple of weeks, and the Fuji W1 for stereo, I am very contented. I can comfortably cover just about anything I may contemplate shooting.
oh wow... that's looking awesome.. have to say, i wouldnt use anything over iso 6400 ! if i had the cash eh.. Maybe one day eh ! i look forward to seeing a full hand on review on it it surprises me that it doesnt have the XQD slot which the d4 has, although i guess the price of them would probably be another bitter taste to going full frame as regards cost!
slower camera, the end user wont be buying this for speed like they might be buying the d4 for ...
slower camera, no need for faster cards ...
oh i see !
This 800E would perfectly fit my needs, as I shoot slow and at native ISO most of the time, and just need resolution. Too bad it says "Nikon" on the front instead of "Canon" ;-) i'd have already placed my order, otherwise...
Shame nikon lenses don't fit on canons in the same way they can the other way round!
Quite a niche product the "E" but I bet there is a market for it especially as they are touting a moire reduction software with it!
We were chatting in the office the other day about how a d4 and d800 would make a perfect combo for us, they really do cover all bases with 2 cameras!