At Work: Circus Side Show Man

Brian Moore

That's what he describes himself as in his schpiel to attract a pier-side crowd and earn a dollar or two by banging nails through his nose or applying the business end of a ballpeen hammer to his noggin. I've never actually seen him do these things, because frankly he's too demanding of tribute from photographers and I refuse to be coerced or browbeaten into acceding to his demands. But I've heard him refer to nails and nose and hammers and such.

Yashica 635 with Ilford FP4 film that I processed in Rodinal.

he definitely looks like he's about to mug you for ca$h Brian

Looks like you're bonding with the Yashica?
Interesting - have you done a visual inspection of the camera film plane?

Or is there film in it at the moment?
Looks like Bill Oddie has a new side line..........if he starts a show you need to be there Brian but please do it in Colour (*color).

Actually the thing I like about this shot is that it looks as though hes on to you and you may have nightmares of him catching you...;)
Looks like Bill Oddie has a new side line..........if he starts a show you need to be there Brian but please do it in Colour (*color).

Actually the thing I like about this shot is that it looks as though hes on to you and you may have nightmares of him catching you...;)

Thanks, Kev. If I shoot pictures of him I'm definately going to get my money's worth: I'll use the most saturated color film I can find. (All the better to witness the splattered crimson as his vital fluids surge from the nail holes in his nose!:D)