Attack of the 20 foot seagull

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I think I'm having a funny day. My husband has been working very late recently, leaving me to drive myself to and from work and do the zoo on my own. We're both shattered, so he took today off work and we went to Bexhill. I took a few photographs which I will process over the coming days.

I'm still trying to figure this one out. I spotted the huge shadows and wondered if I could capture one in the right place, but even though I was there, it still doesn't make sense...

That'll be a Dodkin surveillance gull then.

Bizarre but I like it and you've revealed nicely the really terrible restoration they did on the facades of the Pavillion!!

I forgot to tell you to go into the domes overlooking the promenade and try saying something out loud. Amazing acoustic effect. Try it next time you're there. :)
Yes - I think we will go back one day. It was nice. Like a very small Eastbourne, with a touch of Whitstable thrown in. The top floor of the pavilion was closed for the opening of the coach on roof exhibition tomorrow. I haven't processed those yet, but they had the Italian Job on television tonight, which was really bizarre.

My eyesight is very bad and I didn't notice the restoration until I added some tonal contrast. My goodness... it is bad, isn't it?
Brilliant peice of abstract!!
This is great!!!
You can't prove anything!

There is no gull...

That's a lovely shot with such good tones and the placement of the gull's shadow is spot on. Nice one.

Really nice shot.
It doesnt feel level ... i think it possibly is, but if there is issue with it i think that is what it is ...
Otherwsie its an interesting shot I think!