Critique Welcomed B-17 Flying Fortress

Keith Hollister

Well-Known Member
Visited Fantasy of Flight today, an aviation museum and aircraft restoration shop that is closing to the public in a few weeks unfortunately. One of the exhibits is a B-17 in a night time diorama (and you can walk/crawl through the Flying Fortress). Fortunately, tripods were no problem although of all the photos I saw today I was the only one using a tripod. Fuji, of course. XF14 and XF18-55

I love the ghostly figures in #3, Keith. Well,...actually I like all these pics, but the ghostly figures one is very interesting. By the way, are you carrying a smaller travel tripod? And if so, would you mind mentioning which one?
Thanks, Brian.

While I rarely carry it (I used it today since I wasn't sure how the staff would react to a full size tripod), I have a Benro clone of a Gitzo Traveler. I don't think they make the exact model anymore. It works, but it's a big step down from my Feisol 3301 and Gitzo Series 3 Systematic 'pods in stability, height, adjustments, etc. But I can hang one leg over the shoulder strap of my Billingham bag and carry it all day. A cable release is mandatory though due to it's rather dodgy stability.
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Rob - thanks for the kind words. I do think the B&W worked out well if I say so myself. It was somewhat of a salvage job since the lighting (what little of it there was - the room was dark as a cave) was all different colors and the paint on the plane was pretty faded and rough. It fits with the vintage subject, though.

Pete - the ghostly people was a bit of luck. I had been trying to get this shot without people since everyone was exiting the plane and then standing there, which didn't work. I was doing a bracketed set of exposures (thinking I had finally gotten a long enough period without anyone standing around) when these folks showed up. Fortunately they kept moving and I got the effect. Better to be lucky than good I guess. The shot is a lot stronger than without them.

I knew the first shot was going to be a winner when I took it - the lighting was positioned perfectly and the background faded off into black. It's funny, lots of people with big DSLR's taking photos but no one seemed interested in the angles I was using. They were all busy blasting away with speedlights :rolleyes:
Lovely stuff Keith - available light wins hands down I think
Thanks, Chris. It's funny - I was a very experienced flash user but since I got the Fuji's I haven't used it much. A lot of it has to do with no longer shooting many events or portraits.
Thanks again Dave
Fantastic perspective on these Keith, sounds like you thought about your composition better than others.....
Superb set throughout Keith , three does give intrigue with the figure.
Reminds me our nearby Classic aircraft museum opens soon.
Thanks, guys.