Back in town...

Glenn Clabo

Well-Known Member
I woke up and saw this guy from our window and it prompted me to grab the camera and get outside...
coming home.jpg

The seagulls have been busy while I was away...

And the sprinklers are hard at work...
sprinkler flower.jpg

You were well rewarded for your efforts Glenn. The first shot is smashing with a beautiful mood. I can hear the sound of the oars in the water as it disturbs the morning silence.
The second shot has me almost counting the shells amongst the rusty fittings. I like the shape of this.
The flower shot is not really working for me but the morning moos is there. Is that rain I see?
The last is very strange, almost like a fountain of natural fireworks. Very good though I think.
All in all a most enjoyable set.
You were well rewarded for your efforts Glenn. The first shot is smashing with a beautiful mood. I can hear the sound of the oars in the water as it disturbs the morning silence.
The second shot has me almost counting the shells amongst the rusty fittings. I like the shape of this.
The flower shot is not really working for me but the morning moos is there. Is that rain I see?
The last is very strange, almost like a fountain of natural fireworks. Very good though I think.
All in all a most enjoyable set.
Thank you. It's the morning watering Tom.