Pete Askew
The true Dickensian spirit of Christmas was in evidence at the Karlsplatz Weihnachtsmarkt in Vienna today!
Leica M9 + Leica Summilux M 35mm 1:1.4, 1/125s f1:2.8, ISO 160. PP in LR, PS and Nik ColorFX 4.
Mind he did make a mean hat and I just couldn't resist!
Karl Brandstätter
:: KUNSThandWERK in Graz :: Karl Brandstätter :: Lederdesign ::

Leica M9 + Leica Summilux M 35mm 1:1.4, 1/125s f1:2.8, ISO 160. PP in LR, PS and Nik ColorFX 4.
Mind he did make a mean hat and I just couldn't resist!
Karl Brandstätter
:: KUNSThandWERK in Graz :: Karl Brandstätter :: Lederdesign ::