Beauty Cave

Ralph Thornton

Well-Known Member
Beauty Cave is a lava tube in Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho. Nancy and Jennifer are at the mouth of the tube. Probably should have painted the walls some with light. I had plenty of time in this long exposure.

What a cool shot!

Yu can see the flashlight on the far left wall, so would probably have worked as you said.

Great comp with the people in the mouth of the cave though.

So how far in can you get?
This lava tube goes quite some distance but rockfall from the ceiling makes it too dangerous to go beyond 300 feet.

The green stuff n the walls near the mouth are lichens. The purplish color is coming from the lights, possibly reflecting off the colorful garments.
Great shot, Ralph. I was wondering about the green also. And I like how the flashlight reflects purpley on the left and above. VEry nice indeed.