Behind Bars

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Took some HP5 round to KK's to have dev'd and scanned whilst yuttin a few sups of wine!
Pleased with the results... especially these



Thanks for looking :)
Yeah, I really like the results with HP5, It's got a very nice high contrast to the images.
Ooooh, would like to see that Pete.
I'm just fascinated with the proccess of it all, getting involved with it, and the satisfaction you get from it....
To the very moment you look through the wet negative and remind yourself what you've taken. It's brilliant!
Ha, Yeah, I did have a go at it round Kev's (just the printing at the time) I think if I was to dev, and print the whole lot, I'll get to about number 3 and crash n burn through excitment. :D:D
Ha! I've heard it can be quite addictive, and 3 minutes feels like 3 hours!
Lovely Stuff Dan!
I'm also a bit hooked on hp5 at the mo ...
I even went as far to say the other day that I almost can't see the point in buying other film...
So when are you going to get your own kit?
How much of my kit do I need to loan you to get you started ...
I might even have a spare scanner ... Found an Epson v100 in a box the other day just need to see if it works, if it does you can at dry least borrow it! I am also thinking of selling the v500 if you are interested!
Come on Dan with shots like this its about time you took the plunge and got going home alone as it were!
I need to, there's no excuse, I absolutely love it now, even more so.
Just been paid my peanuts this month so I'm going to do some digging around ebay over the weekend,
I don't need brand spanking new stuff, just the kit that works really don't I?

I would love to borrow the spare scanner off you Hama! I'm due a visit round yours very soon. ;)
Need to get the balls rolling on this me tinks
You do indeed!
You can borrow
A tank
A spiral
A dark bag
That scanner if it works
So you would just need chems and a measuring jug or 2
Yeah, I'll second that recomendation ...
I've told him a few times if try and send people his way too so if you think to mention that you heard about him on here that would be coolio :)
Loving #2 Dan - so you're liking HP5 eh?

Have you tried PanF?

I'm still in love with it's 50ASA wonderfulness :)