Critique Welcomed Big Sur

John Holland

Well-Known Member
I forgot to bring my polarizing filter to cut some of the haze, so the results are not as good as I had hoped. Just means i need to make another trip out to Big Sur

Well, it's a great place to visit, so don't feel too sad....:D

I like the shot anyway, for me you don't have to revisit it....
Nice shot John. Think it looks fine, your just making excuses so you can justify another trip out there and who would blame you.
That's the worst shot of Big Sur that I have ever seen. I think you need to go back there and get another shot using a polarizing filter to cut the terrible terrible haze that is obscuring the scene so prominently that I can barely see the ocean.
That's the worst shot of Big Sur that I have ever seen. I think you need to go back there and get another shot using a polarizing filter to cut the terrible terrible haze that is obscuring the scene so prominently that I can barely see the ocean.

A second look and thought did me change my mind! I completely agree with Brian. It's a terrible shot, and you had better not shown it at all.... :D
I like both also. I usually prefer b&w, but they are equally good in this instance.