Bijou And Feathers

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
After being held in Calais for nearly 48 hours, Bijou and her travel companions were finally allowed to cross the border and we picked her up last night. Known at the rescue as a hissing machine, graduating to very shy and afraid of humans, I don't think she has a problem any more :)

I don't want to ever spend another weekend like that. I was on Facebook from 3.00 yesterday morning with the rescuers and other adopters, trying to find a solution. All the passports, vaccinations, chips and paperwork were in order. I will be forever grateful to her Romanian carers who performed miracles. After four days on the road, they were delivering the last of the animals at midnight...

Outstanding! - I was getting worried that something had gone wrong after your post about going to collect Bijou without a photo put up :)

She looks none the worse for the travel ordeal and her previous life (however short). I'm so happy for you, having gone through just rescuing Andee from being found in a gutter at 2 weeks old - her sibling died 24 hours after being picked up by the volunteer but Andee fought her way to our house and hearts. I'm sure Bijou has landed in the lap of luxury for the rest of her life as well.

Looking forward to comparing photos of our little girls as they grow up.
Cheers both! @Keith Hollister Bijou's sister died too, so I guess they are both orphans. She is even smaller than expected and her passport shows her to be just four months old. We did let Bubu play with her last night, but she is snuffling today and I don't want to take any chances. They will have enough time together over Christmas. Last year we had to tie the tree to the furniture, but they still ran off with the baubles... :D
Andee was sneezing when we picked her up & our vet had us give her Clavamox for 10 days to make sure a respiratory infection didn't take hold. She's fine now, but it's better to play it safe. She had to live in our master bedroom for a week or so until she got to meet the big boys besides playing footsie under the door.

We haven't put the tree up yet, but it is getting tied to a curtain rod at the top and no lights or ornaments on the bottom tier of branches. When the late great Alvin was still a kitten, he climbed right up the tree trunk in the center, so I expect similar hijinks this time.

Bijou is a little older than Andee - she is 14 weeks.