Bijou And Teddy

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
Here's a cute one for Christmas. I took it the other week, dismissed the RAW file and deleted it off the computer. Then I had a session with the two kittens washing each other this evening and came across this by accident. I downloaded it again. Kittens aren't exactly the easiest things to work with and little feral ones are harder still. Bijou was fascinated with my cabinet of rescued teddy bears when we first got her. Sitting her next to one out of the cabinet was a different matter and she only stuck around for a second or two :)

Teddy looks a little concerned if you ask me! :D

Very cute Lesley - cats are amazingly difficult models unless there is food or toys involved
GORGEOUS!!!! Bijou looks just like Betty. She looks nicer than her though...:D

Betty has let everyone know who's in charge. Poor Hugo and Ruby are terrified of her. She is really fond of Stanley. They sleep together. Go figure.

That's a really awesome Teddy Bear.