Critique Welcomed Black and White

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

SD County Fair yesterday
GFX50R and 45mm lens f/2.8

RNI Ilford PanF in post

SD County Fair yesterday
GFX50R and 45mm lens f/2.8

RNI Ilford PanF in post

That's really beautiful!!! What is RNI? I also saw that Kodachrome beach shot which I liked a lot. I think the VSCO is sort of heavy handed. I do have a bit of condrum. I refuse to pay the monthly fee to Adobe so I got Capture One. Unfortunately I have not been in the mood to learn a new software so it has curtailed my use the 50R until I get more motivated. Taking care of my 81 year old Dad has been way more work than I anticipated. Anyway, great photo and any info on RNI would be appreciated.
Wow, love them deep blacks! He'd better hurry, as those horses behind him are really moving!
Thanks Rob - he earned his stripes, that's all I'll say! :D
That's really beautiful!!! What is RNI? I also saw that Kodachrome beach shot which I liked a lot. I think the VSCO is sort of heavy handed. I do have a bit of condrum. I refuse to pay the monthly fee to Adobe so I got Capture One. Unfortunately I have not been in the mood to learn a new software so it has curtailed my use the 50R until I get more motivated. Taking care of my 81 year old Dad has been way more work than I anticipated. Anyway, great photo and any info on RNI would be appreciated.
Thanks Steve - sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope you're doing ok.

RNI stands for Really Nice Images they produce a pro pack of really nice film sims - and with VSCO giving up the game on the computer side, I've turned to RNI along with Mastin Labs for my film sims. RNI do packs for LR/PS and C1, so you can go either direction.

I think RNI gets more of the vibe of a retro film, others can be a bit OTT I think. The Pro pack includes:

Agfa Optima 100 / EV- / EV-- / EV+ / EV++ / HC / Cool / Vivid / Warm Muted / Old&Faded / Old&Faded +
Agfa Optima 400 / EV- / EV+
Agfa Vista 100 / EV- / EV-- / EV+ / Warm
Fuji Natura 1600 / HC / Cool / Muted / Muted+
Fuji Pro 160C / EV- / EV+
Fuji Pro 160NS / EV- / EV-- / EV+ / Alt / Vibrant / Aqua Fade / Green Fade / Green Fade + / Warm
Fuji Pro 400H / EV- / EV+
Fuji Pro 800Z / EV- / EV+
Fuji Superia 200 / EV- / EV+ / EV++ / Alt / Alt II / Alt III / Alt IV / Alt V
Fuji Superia 400
Fuji Superia 800
Fuji Superia 1600
Kodak Color Plus 200 / EV- / EV+
Kodak Color Plus 400 / EV- / EV+
Kodak Ektar 100 / EV- / EV+ / Vibrant / Fade Green / Fade Warm
Kodak Gold 100 / EV- / EV+ / Old&Cold / Old&Cold HC / Old&Cold EV+ / Old&Cold DR
Kodak Gold 200 / EV- / EV-- / EV+
Kodak Gold 400 / EV- / EV+
Kodak Portra 160C / EV- / EV+ / Alt / Cool / Green Fade / Faded Print
Kodak Portra 160VC / EV- / EV+ / Faded / Expired / Warm Fade
Kodak Portra 400 / EV- / EV+ / Green Fade
Kodak Portra 800 / EV- / EV+ / Alt / Cool
Rollei Digibase / EV- / EV+ / Alt / Alt II / Lomo (5 variations)

Agfa Precisa 100 / Cool / Warm
Agfa RSX II 100 / Cool / Warm
Fuji Astia 100F / Alt / Cool / Warm
Fuji Fortia SP / Alt / Cool / Warm
Fuji Provia 100F / Alt / Cool / Warm
Fuji Provia 400X
Fuji Sensia 100 / v1 / v2 / v3 / Alt / Alt2
Fuji Velvia 100
Fuji Velvia 100F
Fuji Velvia 50 / v1 / v2 / v3 / v4 / Alt
Kodak E100G / Alt / Cool / Warm
Kodak E100GX
Kodak E100VS
Kodak E200 / v1 / v2 / v3 Skintones / Alt / Alt II / Cool / Warm
Kodak Elite / Warm
Kodak Elite Chrome 100 / DR / DR2 / Expired

Fuji FP 100C / Alt / Alt II / Alt III / Cool Fade / Cool Fade HC / Green Fade / Green Fade + / Skintones / Warm Fade / Warm Fade + / Warm Muted
Fuji Instax Mini / Alt / Alt II Warm / Hard Fade / Soft Fade / Skintones / Skintones HC
Polaroid 600 / Alt / Alt II / Cool / Expired / Cool II / Slightly Expired / Warm / Warmer
Polaroid 669 / Alt / Cool / Expired / Expired II / Expired III / Expired IV / Expired V / Warm Fade
Polaroid 690 / Cool Fade / Muted / Muted Alt / Muted Alt II / Muted Alt III / Muted Alt IV / Muted Alt V / Warm Fade

Agfa Scala 200 / Alt / Faded / Faded + / HC / HC + / HC + Faded
Fomapan 100 / Alt / Alt II
Ilford Delta 100 / Alt / Faded / Faded + / HC
Ilford Delta 3200 / Alt / Faded / HC
Ilford Delta 400 / Alt / Faded / Faded + / Faded ++ / HC
Ilford Delta 800 / Faded / HC
Ilford FP4 / Faded / Faded +
Ilford HP5 / Faded / Faded +
Ilford Pan F Plus / Faded / HC
Kodak T-Max 100 / Faded / HC
Kodak T-Max 3200 / Faded / HC
Kodak Tri-x 100 / Faded / HC
Kodak Tri-x 400 / Faded / HC

Agfacolor 40s / Faded Reality / Faded / HC / Warm Reality / Warm /
Agfacolor 50s / Cool Fade / Muted
Agfacolor 60s / Alt
Agfacolor XPS 160 / Alt 2 / Alt 3 High / Alt 3 Mid / Alt 3 Safe / Alt 3 Under / Alt / Calm / Cool / Muted 2 / Muted / Skintones
Kodachrome 1958 / Faded
Kodachrome 1959 / Alt
Kodachrome 2000's / Alt
Kodachrome 40s / v1 / v2 Restored / v3 Alt / v4 Alt II / v5 Alt III / v6 Alt IV
Kodachrome 50s / Alt /Alt 2 / Alt 3 / Alt 4 / Cool Shadows / HC II / Slide 2 / Slide 3 / Slide 4 / Slide 8 / Slide 9 / Vibrant & Cool / Vibrant + / Vibrant / Warm + / Warm Fade / Warmer
Kodachrome 60s / Slide 1 / Slide 2 / Slide 3 / Warm
Kodachrome 64 Alt II / Alt III / Alt / Calmer Reds / Cool / Warm / Cooler Blues
Technicolor 2 (Approx)

Jpeg tone compensation
Hard Fade
Slide Frames
Smart Contrast
Analog Softness
Vintage Lens Effect
Thanks Rob - he earned his stripes, that's all I'll say! :D

Thanks Steve - sorry to hear about your Dad. Hope you're doing ok.

RNI stands for Really Nice Images they produce a pro pack of really nice film sims - and with VSCO giving up the game on the computer side, I've turned to RNI along with Mastin Labs for my film sims. RNI do packs for LR/PS and C1, so you can go either direction.

I think RNI gets more of the vibe of a retro film, others can be a bit OTT I think. The Pro pack includes:

Thanks Chris!!! That is a nice B/W. Much better than anything in VSCO. I have been shooting some Pan F on C330 the last few weeks. I am going to look into this for C1. I am not good with computers so I get frustrated really easily when I can't find something in the program. Eventually I will get it down.

It has been a struggle with Dad. He's 81 and doesn't want to be old and have mobility problems, neither of which I can do much about. It's either living with me or Assisted Care. We haven't always gotten along but it's just something I need to do.