Julian de'Courcy

Well-Known Member
Lanhydrok house has an upper flower garden which at this time of year and for the next two weeks or so, attracts a large amount of bee's and butterflies. Nothing too exotic but I do like the slightly decaying flowers at this time of year. Colourful butterflies are, yet one or two came out ok in B+W which was pleasing.
_9010193.jpg _9010236c.jpg

Hamish I like the way this new site displays the images.
Very nice, Julian, and they work really beautifully in black and white.

The images look better in the forum posts than in the media posts, in my opinion...
Thanks Rob, I guess you are talking other images. I don't know if these are in the media section or not. Do not know how to post there. My limited thinking power say's
a photographic forum aught to have the best system going for displaying what is intended. This looks ok on a par with other sites with pics.
I did look into the media tab. Strange thing is I am not signed in when it opens. Same browser and all just in a new tab. Odd as it stays signed into this part of the site ok. using chrome maybe.
Julian...I would have never thought that a B&W pic of a butterfly would work. You have corrected my feeble mind...wonderful!

Me neither Glenn and thanks, my own feeble mind was changed also. I am getting to a point where I would quite like to restrict myself to only B+W for a period of time and see how it goes.