Cabarita Beach

Darren Bradnock

Well-Known Member
I went to the beach today to shot my mate, and ended up shooting one of the best aerial surfers around, Chippa Wilson.









Spectacular shots!
Te first two are especially well timed!
What happened with that busted lens in the end? You still using it?
Yeah still using it, but i didn't have a allen key to take the slide plate for my gimbal head off the lens so i used the 70-200 2.8 with my 2x converter for these.
The 400 2.8 is ok if you fill the frame, but if you have to crop it a lot it's a bit soft and a lot of CA.
Fantastic action - I like the low shooting angle in the first few to get the surfer airborne against the sky

How did you cope with exposure?

I know that black wetsuits and white surf are a real challenge for camera metering!
If you were going to enter one in a photo comp in the local surfing magazine which one would it be? i cant decide, i was thinking #1 but i like the lighting in #7. I've entered a few times before and been published but never won, the quality of photos keeps getting better. I think i have a winner in this set but can't decide, maybe i should send them all.....ha ha.
I would send the lot, a great set I would be proud of taking anything close to those.
Well done mate.