California Solar Eclipse - Sunset Sunday

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
The deepest partial solar eclipse in a generation is headed to Southern California this weekend. - and it's going to hit at sunset!


The partial solar eclipse will occur late in the day in Southern California on Sunday, beginning at 5:24 p.m., reaching its maximum coverage at 6:38 p.m., and exiting the sun's path at 7:42 p.m., just 10 minutes before sunset.

79% of the area of the sun will be covered up.

Should make for some killer sunset shots with the sun being eaten by the dragon.

Google Map to check location and times here: NASA - Annular Solar Eclipse of 2012 May 20

NASA solar Eclipse photo tips here: NASA - Eclipse Photography
I have every faith in you to deliver those killer photos Chris. :)
Chris I'm trying to figure out the time this converts to in my area, correct me if I'm wrong but the time the google map location page gives you is may 20 GMT, correct? at least that's the time I converted from to come up with your result for san diego...
Chris I'm trying to figure out the time this converts to in my area, correct me if I'm wrong but the time the google map location page gives you is may 20 GMT, correct? at least that's the time I converted from to come up with your result for san diego...

You're in SoCal correct?

in SoCal it's going to start at around 5:30pm - and finish just before 7:45pm - Sunset is 7:51pm

So the eclipse will be low to the horizon (weather permitting) giving options to get shots of the eclipse against scenery, buildings etc (we hope)

I tried using the map and just got more confused, so I pulled out my Photographers Ephemeris software and confirmed with that.

It's available for smart phones and tablets as a paid app, and FREE for desktop operating systems

The Photographer's Ephemeris | Plan your shoot

You can work out where the sun/moon will be that time, and work out where to stand to get a view, or position it against a scene etc etc.

I have every faith in you to deliver those killer photos Chris. :)

Trying to decide what to do - shoot a 'close up' with the big glass, maybe next to something like the local power station chimney

Try and find something more exotic to position it next to - like a building or palm tree on a hill etc etc

Or go wider and get the weird looking sun in a landscape shot

Better get my sh!t together by Sunday, and pray for clear skies!
Trying to decide what to do - shoot a 'close up' with the big glass, maybe next to something like the local power station chimney

Or go wider and get the weird looking sun in a landscape shot

Why not try a couple of each. Big glass on your Canon and wide shots with your X-Pro1...

Whatever you decide I'm looking forward to the results anyway.
Probably be a shot of a grey fog bank, knowing the local weather at this time of year! :D