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Vic Shaw

Senior Member
I've always liked this shot so I thought I'd share it.


The trees in the left and right windows really make it.

Also like the exposure, the detail just visible in the room is very nice.
thanks guys, I've always liked the symbolism in this shot with the windows, to get the full context see it with the others watch this.

or this

Both pretty much the same but I could never decide which one I liked.
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Vic - that's some very powerful imagery on your video - very moving, especially the B&W shots.

Puts the still in a whole new context of course...
Thanks Chaps,

Yes Paul the solemness was intended. even down to when I went. I didn't want to visit in the summer I wanted it to be rather bleak when I went. I hoped it would snow a little and then thaw out which it did so I was lucky there. I only really had one shot in my head when I went there and that never really worked. I wanted to get some shots of people milling about but to use a slow shutter speed so the become like lost souls. I only really managed to get one shot that kinda worked like that the rest were binned. The sunset that day was just amazing too, not the sunset in the clips but from another site, just amazing colours.

Pete I hadn't thought of putting them into a book, I would have to go back and revisit these as my PP skills where lacking a little.

This is the most amazing shot of the day. look closely in the puddle. There has been no cloning here just a conversion to B&W. At 1st I was going to clone out the wire in the sky, but then Mrs Vic noticed the face in the puddle so I left it. This was the one I was going to send to the Sun newspaper but I'm not so sure if I should. (Disclaimer: I'm not a sun reader)

The face in the puddle is extraordinary. I'm not the sort to believe it is anything other than a random event though. And of course in this day and age no-one would believe you hadn't created it in photoshop anyway.
They were taken at Auschwitz-Birkenau Paul.

I'm the same Tim, it's just the way the clouds were at the time and of course I still have the original RAW file. It's just very spooky.
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