Canberra, Australia

Reg Johnson

My first posting on this forum. I am interested in scenery/landscapes etc. here are a few of my city of Canberra.





CC is accepted.

More photographs are here:Canberra pictures by rwjau - Photobucket
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#3 i my favourite great colour and reflection #4 now Hamish has moved them about
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Hi Reg, I've been very cheeky and edited your post, I never normally do that especially without asking first, but it strikes me that in the order they are now in it might be morning, day, evening, night ... :)
Really hope you don't mind me doing that, it was only the last two in the opposite order!?

Normally I might comment that the first is wonky, as I'm not sure it looks quite enough to be intentional .. But looking at it I can't help feeling that it does sit ok... I think it's because of the horizontal line o the edge of the more vivid reflection in the forgeound! Pickles me a bit... I'm not sure if I like it or not ... One way or another, I like the subject matter, beautiful colours and tones! The swimming birds are almost required in this shot for me :)

I love the symetry in the following two very different photos, the second looks like a shot out of a holiday broshure!
Thanks for the replies.
Hamish; yes, the second does indeed look like a shot out of a holiday brochure. I put that on the forum because there was a comment (iun meet & greet) from a person in the States (USA) that remarked that he knew nothing about Canberra - I wanted him to see a perspective (all beit a small perspective) of Canberra.

I am quite new to DSLR captures. I am not artisitic but do strive to improve my photographic skills.

Thanks Adrian and Bryan for your comment.
There was no offense Hamish.
I like them Reg and the way you have presented them. At first I didn't notice the slope on the horizon probably because the line of the ducks and the colour in the sea draws the eye and appears level. And, like Hamish, it doesn't bother me although normally wonky horizons do. The framing of number 3 is super and I like the muted tones of the last shot. There is a real stillness to it. Nice set all in all. Looking forward to more!! :)
Reg - thanks for the view of the city - that shot reminds me of Paris or Washington DC with the big buildings and the formal parks etc - very nice.

Loving shot #3 in your set - very dramatic composition and love the lighting as the sun goes down.
Also love the gold color on that first shot, but the wonky angle bothers me a bit. I love the shot of the library... but them I'm an architecture guy so that's my thing. I haven't been to Canberra yet but hope to have the opportunity soon. Thanks for sharing!