Canon Explorers of Light

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Canon have an elite group of hired guns - photographers who use Canon's cameras and lenses, and act as ambassadors for Canon online, at events, and in the press.


"The Explorers of Light concept came out of Canon USA in the mid 1990s as a broad-ranging initiative for photographic education and inspiration. Today, the group is comprised of more than 60 of the most influential photographers and cinematographers in the world, each a master of the their creative specialty. The Explorers share their photographic passions and technical expertise with eager audiences of photo professionals, hobbyists, and enthusiasts in a variety of personal appearances, seminars, and gallery showings through the United States."

Examples of the Explorers' work may be found in their contributor bios: Canon DLC: Explorers of Light Index



An amazing selection of photographers - and some inspiring images :p