
Ralph Turner

Well-Known Member
Finally got round to adapting this lovely old Ensign Carbine no.12 for 120 film and got out 'n' about with it. It's even still got it's original little cable release that clips into the lens baseboard when not in use.
If anything worthwhile comes out, I'll pop the piccies up on here.
Looks like fun! After my first encounter with the Mamiya 645, I'm going to get a cable release before I take the new one out. Between the weight of the camera and my unfamiliarity I'll probably try to shoot it on a tripod w/a cable release (and a waist-level finder). Anything to eliminate shake.
Thanks, Gary😀. I hope all goes well with the Mamiya. Most of the time I get away with shooting handheld (laziness? Old habits?... oh, and possibly being spoilt by stabilised lenses) but I do like to use a tripod when I allow myself to slow down a bit or the situation necessitates.
When we went on holi..vacation to Germany about 20 years ago I took my Bronny and only had rolls of Velvia 50 with me, so I ended up using my tripod most of the time. This, no doubt, pleased my wife no end (not), as our boys were only small at the time, so she ended up having to look after them while I faffed about getting my snaps. I don't think she's ever forgotten it.... 😬
Finally got round to adapting this lovely old Ensign Carbine no.12 for 120 film and got out 'n' about with it. It's even still got it's original little cable release that clips into the lens baseboard when not in use.
If anything worthwhile comes out, I'll pop the piccies up on here.
In what way did you adapt it, Ralph,...was it the tripod mount?
In what way did you adapt it, Ralph,...was it the tripod mount?
No, it was the film gate. The camera was originally intended for the 116 format. To run 120 through it I purchased an adaptor kit that sets the spacing of the current, smaller format. I attached a couple of strips of thin black card down the long edges of the gate to support the edges of the film (held in place by strips of polyamide tape (holds its shape well and doesn't readily stretch unlike, say, sellotape). I tried an old dud roll in to see if the support works - all seems well. Just need to dev the roll now 'n' see if anything cones out, or if it's all blur and light leaks lol.
No, it was the film gate. The camera was originally intended for the 116 format. To run 120 through it I purchased an adaptor kit that sets the spacing of the current, smaller format. I attached a couple of strips of thin black card down the long edges of the gate to support the edges of the film (held in place by strips of polyamide tape (holds its shape well and doesn't readily stretch unlike, say, sellotape). I tried an old dud roll in to see if the support works - all seems well. Just need to dev the roll now 'n' see if anything cones out, or if it's all blur and light leaks lol.
Thanks Ralph.
Well, first-stage results in. 6 distinct images, though maybe only 2-3 useable due to light getting where it's not wanted. I suspect it's the frame counter window, as it's quite pale (I did stick a bit of sellotape over it and scribbled on the tape with a red sharpie to try and mitigate this issue, but I'm guessing it wasn't enough). If there's enough to see wheather or not it's worth another go, I might try a roll of Ortho+. Maybe using a 400 iso panchro film was pushing my luck (although there is a little puvoting flap to cover the window.
Anyway, if the scans come out ok I'll let y'all know.
I made up 500ml of caffenol delta, developing the 35mm first for 15mins, then the 120 for 18mins. I'm pretty happy with the first roll, I reckon it's pretty close to where I've been hoping to get with caffenol. The second (assuming the density of the rebate numbers is the same between formats) is a little less dense but still very useable (light leak notwithstanding). Maybe next time I'll up the second roll dev time to 20mins, see how that goes. (Both rolls are Kentmere 400.)


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Should have mentioned.. the pale streaks on the neg strip in the pic are reflections, not scratches. Honest..

Regarding another potential film to try that should overcome the worst of the light leakage issue, and something I'd forgotten I have in the fridge, is a roll of Rollei Ortho 25.
25! What are you keeping that for, Ralph?
Well, this, potentially (though I didn't know it when I bought it lol). I originally got the 25 on a whim, but haven't got round to trying it, yet. Well, this could be a good opportunity (even if I have to drag that tripod around! 🙄😬😏). The potentially tricky bit will be guessing shutter speeds below 1/25th, as the escapement in the shutter appears to be uncoupled from the shutter itself, the slow speeds all far too fast. Whether this was from someone not fixing the mechanism correctly or it malfunctioned due to age I don't know. All part of the fun, I guess. Hopefully the film is sufficiently tolerant of exposure errors.
Btw my fave film years ago was Kodachrome 25, which I managed to get away with most of the time shutter speed wise. Such a gorgeous emulsion.
Only in 35mm, but I've also got a roll of No Color Studio no.5 to try at some point, a fathers day gift from my son a while back. At 5 iso and, I believe, orthochromatic it's going to be an interesting experience. Something for another time.
I managed to get hold of some deep red acetate sheet to fit over the decidedly pale orange/yellow frame counter window. The small square of it is held in place on the inner surface with a little bit of polyimide tape.
Another possible issue is that where the 120 spool flange doesn't reach the end of the chamber, there's a short distance between the roll of film and the guide roller where the edge of the film is possibly more vulnerable to light finding it's way round. Hopefully the two small bits of self-adhesive foam layered onto the end of the film chamber will help act as a baffle (I may stick a narrow strip across the edges of the foam that's there to bring it up closer to the back without impeding the hinge of the spool holder bracket). Just need to try it out now. I'll use another roll of Kentmere 400, if it's good with that, then all good.


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