Catching dreams

Brodie Jackson

Well-Known Member
Hey folk :) Haven't posted in a while due to final year craziness lol. But hopefully I will have some more time to be out and about taking more pics soon (:

anyhow, here's a random shot from earlier today. Had a go in PS getting rid of the ceiling lines.. Im not great with Photoshot haha :D Is it noticable? was't sure of the best way to do it so I just used the cloning tool.. any suggestions on a better way to this sort of thing, please please share!! :)

DSC04765 by Brodie1994, on Flickr
Thanks guys
I can see two faint lines on the right handn side that might be ceiling lines but they are pretty hard to spot and harder to even guess that they might be ceiling lines. I wouldn't worry about it to much unless they sow up when you print it.

You could try stealing it from your mate and leaving the photo in it's place:o
I could just tell him I need to borrow it.. Then after a while he'll just accept that it's now mine :D
But thereplacing it with a photo could be amusing ;)
Right, I've just stared at this... Knowing full well what it is for about 2 minutes trying to get my head round it's orientation ... To early in the morning maybe ;)
Very interesting compo