Couple More Strangers

Darren Turner



knowing me yes pete hehe........i really am crap and working out if i pic is straight or not..........!!
you know i have that on my cam and even an electronic level and i still fail..........LMAO
I like #2 and the way the houses are all trying not to get their feet wet in the sea... ;) ;)

The man looks like he's texting or something - a very nice journo shot for 'modern Blighty' I think

Do I detect a little dodging and a burning around the subject?
cheers peter, will take a look now......!!
I like the idea of the naming of the pics. With respect to the first couple. Couple More Strangers; I imagine that as Couple?...More strangers. The relaxed, nonchalant attitudes... disinterested in each other. Dunno if that was intentional or no?
As if would fit into a question: Are them two old people together?
Couple?...More (like) Strangers
Now isn't that interesting. I suspect I read it more as Darren intended but now you have sown doubt about the two people on the bench I am starting to see them as, if not strangers, then merely acquaintences! I guess this relates directly with what is being discussed in the thread initiated by Mike and Kate about perception etc. And the more you look, the less you know. What is that guy on the bench doing? Maybe a fraction of a second later all was revealed (the loaded gun, the packet of chewing gum, the iPhone...). But luckily we don't see any of that. We are just left with the question.

I bought a copy of a recent publication on Michelangelo Antonioni's film, Blow Up (publsihed by Steidl . It contains the original prints made for the film and discusses the issues raised in the film about perception. In many ways it is just as relevant to these images too. Isn't it amaying what such simple shots can reveal / invoke!
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I like the idea of the naming of the pics. With respect to the first couple. Couple More Strangers; I imagine that as Couple?...More strangers. The relaxed, nonchalant attitudes... disinterested in each other. Dunno if that was intentional or no?
As if would fit into a question: Are them two old people together?
Couple?...More (like) Strangers

oooo my head hurts to much thinking needed for this comment
lol I get what you mean Darren, but I find it intriguing. As pete, so finely put it; you meant this photo in one way and I interpreuated it a totally different way, even just the name provoking my preception.
I tried to see it as a couple whom had been together for a long time, and were enjoying the same thing, and the thing they were both looking at...
However, I also like to imagine that the couple are simply looking at an inanimate object to fill the void left by useless nonsensical ramblings that their both sick of with each other.
"Been together for long enough to never find another, too soon to lose the first"