Crammond - Edinburgh

On your RB67 thread i was trying to find a link to a MF photographer, hoping you would photograph similarly. Well i needn't have looked for that link, these are as i hoped you would photograph.
Smashing Rob. A stunning image and wow I guess you are pleased with the out come of your new camera. Magic that is all I can say, apart from looking forward to many more. It is really good here, the variety of posted images is such that it is a great place to learn, try new ideas and hopefully be more able to produce more satisfying picture in the future. These images give out so much , wonderful.
I like the way you've ended up with threatening skies, and that lovely pop of detail in the grasses

Lovely comp with the horizon high in the frame

Was the vignette effect on the film or from NIK?
Thanks guys. There is so much detail in the negs, the software has a lot to play with. So I'm very interested in the combination of film plus software.

Chris, I added the vignette in Nik. It seemed to help the threatening quality. I played around a bit with Nik Viveza to help the grasses pop. Glad you noticed it! Nik Dfine also has a big say in minimising a lot of noise. Gotta love Auld Nik.*

Thanks, Julian. Very much appreciated.

*[Old Nick = The Devil - the Devil's in the detail].
I do like photos with that ethereal look and a sense of bleakness. Goo choice with the infra red I think Rob. I have read a lot the phrase that a photo has to look stunning in it's pure form before PP. If that is really the case by rights this should have been abandoned but the has certainly become greater than the sum of its parts.