Critique Welcomed Crystal Cove, Laguna Beach

Brian Moore

This is what Crystal Cove looked like for 1/400th of a second at some point during the 16th minute of the 15th hour of the day on January 1, 2018. (I've been EXIF peeping! :))

Sigma DP1 Merrill.

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Wow, what a great shot. Mind you, the one you could have taken at the 17th minute would have been better. I just know these things...
I love the elephantine skin, lower left, really beautiful.
Wow, what a great shot. Mind you, the one you could have taken at the 17th minute would have been better. I just know these things...
I love the elephantine skin, lower left, really beautiful.
:D Thanks Rob. Here's one five hundredth of a second from the 17th minute. What do you think now?
That second shot is sublime.
Gorgeous. And the people just standing there singly and in groups give it a slightly surreal feel I find - unless you know the date and time of course!
Thanks Pete. It looked surreal to me also. The women with the pram and the man with the folded arms, they just seemed out of place.