Day 2

Tom Dinning

Well-Known Member
I'm still lost in the corridors somewhere between the nudes and landscapes.
It seems like this forum thing is about 'show and tell' like my old school days.
I'm not used to this so bare with me.
I'm a lazy photographer. See something that interests me, point and press. Usually its a personal connection that catches my eye. A memory of times past, a deja vous feeling or a story unfolding.
I grew up with B&W. Its all I could afford in the film days.
Colour is so brash anyway. Like make-up or a coat of varnish on an old wooden table.
Camera gear? Whatever is in my reach. I've accumulated a bit over the years. It all seems to do the same job: satisfy my need to see an edited view of the world - or hide my face from the crowd.

very nice! i like the curving path of light and the slightly off kilter balance to the image. at work we'd label him a possible double 7 - aka drunk. loving the texture in the walkway. the light really makes the shot for me.

if this were my image i might burn in some of the highlights in the upper right, they're bright enough to draw my eye, but not bright enough to make out what they are, esp. the circle. just nitpicking though, really well done.
very nice! i like the curving path of light and the slightly off kilter balance to the image. at work we'd label him a possible double 7 - aka drunk. loving the texture in the walkway. the light really makes the shot for me.

if this were my image i might burn in some of the highlights in the upper right, they're bright enough to draw my eye, but not bright enough to make out what they are, esp. the circle. just nitpicking though, really well done.

Hi Beth.
I'm so glad you took note of the picture and took the time to comment.
I'm always interested in what is conjured up in the mind of the viewer. I don't usually ask. I wait until it's volunteered. Or in for a stir.
I'm of the firm belief that my pictures have a multitude of meanings, even for me. The story sometimes comes as the scene unfolds before me but often not until I view the image back home. I'd not thought of a drunk. The bloke seemed to be playing a kids game. You know, don't stand on the cracks or in this case keep in the circles.

Now, you have to imagine I'm an old friend who you've known for years and we are in the same rom together. In this way you can see my friendly body language and my moderate intonation soaps not to offend you.
Got that? Right. Here we go.
When I show someone a photo I expect them to be polite and non- judgmental. The same with my dress sense. Except Christine, of course, who is free to chastise, suggest or even tell me to change. "I'm not going out with you looking like the clothes line in a storm" she would say. "Change that shirt and get rid of the crease in the trousers". That I can accept. But even she would never suggest I change one of my photos for her benefit. She respects my artistic license. She also values our marriage.
I know it's tempting to want things different because that's the way you'd do it, but that's not what photography is about, not with me at least. It's about self expression. It's my "language". It's your job to interpret it if you wish, not to want it another way.
Are we still friends? Maybe I can get you a coffee or take you out to dinner.
I wouldn't change a thing. Tom, including Beth ;)

I love images that don't reveal all, leave a few questions. This one does that in spades. It seems a dumb comment, but I like how he is standing on his shadow...I know we can't not do it, but it seems to have some deeper significance here.
Love it Tom, and I like both interpretations. The 'out of kilter' gives it a slightly dream-like feel to me. And is that smoke? What's in his hand? All elements that add extra depth. Thinking more about Rob's comment about his shadow, I find the contrast between the softer ones around the sources of light and the harder on below him very appealing. I can see what Rob means though.

And good to get things out in the open regards suggestions etc. There is a Just for Show option which can be used. I personally don't bother with it, but it is there if you want to use it.
I think Beth is still speaking to me.
This is for you, @Beth Anthony

Thanks for the tip, @Pete Askew. I'm still a bit overwhelmed by the whole 'critique' thing on the internet. Maybe I can speak more on that when I'm in a really good mood.