Death knell from Canon EOS-M?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Just seen this price drop on B&H - the (terrible) EOM M has just been halved in price from $599 to $299


EOS-M Mirrorless Digital Camera| B&H Photo Video

That suggests (to me) that it's on it's way out and most likely never sold in any numbers.

The new 70D AF will most likely pop up in it's replacement - I assume in the next 6 mths or so.

I have no idea why Canon ever put this camera on the market - when I tried it at CES is was one of the poorest AF experiences I've ever had - and that included the original AF DSLR, my old Minolta 7000!
A big **** up from canon that ... be interesting to see what they have learnt ...
I guess if nothing else it got somehting to market ...
I was waiting for this camera. Not long but the reason being, I had almost all EF lenses. When it came out my jaw dropped, then went and got the OM-D. I would think I could have been a typical customer in this regard, who wanted something small to use. I also have no idea why they brought this out. I suspect it was a rushed job, to placate . It has sold far better than I imagined.
The new canon sensor may well go into a new M system, but it will not be cheap (what is) . It would be great if both Canon and Nikon took the mirror less market more seriously, to have more alternatives.
Could be a couple of reasons. Too much inventory, and slow summer sales. Or it could mean that a new model is on the way, and they are clearing the channel for it. Shortly before the Nikon 1 V2 came out, the V1 was on sale at less than half its original price. I bought one for a friend who loves it. Dropping the camera from the lineup would be a very un-Canon thing to do. Dropping it would be admitting failure, something no Japanese company likes to do. I would rather guess that they will have learned from this turkey, and the next model will—hopefully—be better.
And then there is the Canon N, which doesn't have a grip....

I know nothing about this camera. Was it a problem camera?

Just a very poor execution - probably rushed to market

Should never had had the EOS name on it IMHO
It was a case of 'quick everyone else has got a CSC out'.