John Holland

Well-Known Member
I was visiting the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in May and came across several denizens of the garden - Fox, Peacock, Iguana. The Royal Botanic Gardens is a wonderful place I and I could pends several days there



Agree with all above and yes, we try to go there every time we are in and about London. A great place and especially in May month.
I like the peacock one, in that rather than try to step back and capture the whole animal, you've gone for a tight crop, which results in a far more punchy, far more effective image.

My only small grips, is that colours seem over saturated to point of glaring in all images. Is this as the camera saw it, or has saturation been shifted up a bit? Otherwise, great captures, great framing and good clarity.
Thank you all for your comments. The peacock was a tad bit interested in the tourist with the camera. When it saw me, out came the feather display and it walked towards me - that is how I got the close-up. The major editing to the image was to do a bit of dodging around the bird's head and upper neck to bring it out of the shadow.